Saturday, November 1, 2014

Pecha Kucha

This week, each person in our course did a presentation. It wasn't just any kind of presentation, though. Specifically, it wasn't a terribly boring time when one or many of us blabbed on and on and on with speaking to the class.  Nope. Thanks to Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Klein Dytham architecture, we had two 75 minute periods with 15 presentations and everything went smoothly and (for the most part), like clockwork. What these two lovely individuals contributed to society was PechaKucha.  This is a format in which Power Point and its equivalents are maximized and are no longer the two words that result in an eye roll, sigh, groan, or what have you. The rules are simple: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide. 6 minutes and 40 seconds.  And they can't be filled with text - they must be based on graphics. It's almost as innovative as John Cage's 4'33". You can find out everything you want to know and more here:

We in the class each chose a choral reference book to review. Mine is The Choral Rehearsal by James Jordan. I have included the slides here and will upload my notes so that you are not wondering what in the name of Methuselah they are all about. Enjoy!